

“Grounded” is an independent feature film based documentary about what is considered by many authorities to be “The Greatest Health RE-discovery of All Time.” – the concept was tested on the people of Haines, Alaska (population 1,700). 


The surface of the Earth holds subtle health-boosting energy. The documentary goes to show that this amazing phenomenon, of connecting into the earth, can transform the life of people who have been struggling with health issues like chronic pain, and one man who had been wheelchair-bound for decades is able to walk again. Even plants are drastically impacted when they have been taken away from the Earth’s natural energy.


Clint Ober Demonstrates Earthing – YouTube – Dr. Joseph Mercola and Clint Ober demonstrate the science behind a really powerful principle called grounding or earthing.


see also:

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!

How to Connect with Your Body to Feel Balanced: 10 Grounding Techniques



We are about possibilities… perspectives, observations, deductions, reason, and more possibilities. Is it a maze? No, I think not. It is a dream. It is akin to multiple personality disorder (dissociation – dissociative identity disorder). Getting in touch with reality requires spiritual progress. Any information provided here is offered for entertainment purposes only. Discernment is always required.


Here is more on the subject from Youtube
Earthing – what is it and how to do it:

Internationally renowned natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola encourages you to incorporate grounding or earthing into your lifestyle.

Testing with a multi-meter
Part 1

Testing with a multi-meter
Part 2

Earthing sheets – for sleeping while grounding

Earthing Mat

Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola and Clint Ober discuss one of the most exciting new innovation on health, the earthing.

More videos



9 thoughts on “Grounded

  1. Watched the movie and found it intriguing enough to buy a grounding band that I put on my ankle and/or arm. Truthfully, I haven’t noticed any difference, but I’m not sick. But then again, I forget to use it everyday. Will keep trying!

    • Subtle – soft… Any difference in a physically healthy person that has a self of spiritual origins ought probably evolve the body closer ever to that self to actualize in knowing connectivity.That will glow even for anyone to see with physical eyes. I can’t tell without asking if the glow that I see in others is related to using grounding/earthing techniques. The glow, however, is radiant and I sometime, when relaxing in spirit myself, see the energy connectivity of spirit and consciousness connectivity into forms. Being as visual as I imagine that you can be, look with your eyes closed in an inner mirror and see your guides in this unwavery and stillness energy source light that observes all connectivity. Here, bands of colors that look like wavy connections into us with objects as we choose to perceive all else is the was and we into them is the now. This is the energy of earthing – orgone energy is what we may call it and Chi and so forth – Holy Spirit; is the now. Now is lovingly giving and is connective and inclusive of all form… of all that was the atoms and molecules and cells and organs and systems on the physical plane… and all this is from the source of the singularity of the One Observance… Love into what was. What is to be is any possible mirror reflection of this now. Only now is real and only in loving kindness we discover this is unconditionally inclusive and the exclusivity is then no longer the pathway of personal freedom. Free will is not of spacetime and our destiny is free will creating of the now of unconditionally loving what was as what was becomes all possibility too of now.

  2. I often use self-taught Reiki and/or Jyutsu to explore and or remove blocks or to just move energy. The grounding technology ought make it easier, I suppose. Did you get the strap online?

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